School Meals
Meal Booking Notice
Please note school meals can only be ordered and paid for through ParentPay. The school office is unable to accept menu orders directly.
The kitchen only prepare enough meals for the children that have lunch ordered. If your child does ask for a meal at lunchtime, which has not been ordered for them, the kitchen staff will provide them with a jacket potato and you will be charged for this if you pay for your meals.
Please may we remind you that it is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child has the food they like and that meals are ordered for the following week.
All meal bookings should be made via our parentpay system (please click on link provided).
Meals must be booked by midnight every Thursday for the following week's lunches, irrespective if you pay for meals or not. Meals can be booked and paid for further in advance if you prefer. Please note that we are unable to accept orders after this time.
Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel meals if your child is absent, as food orders will have already been placed. Parents are able to cancel meals booked beyond the current week and it is the parents responsibility to cancel any bookings if their child is absent longer term.
General Allergen Information
Nut Allergies
In Bridlewood we have always had a nut free school because we have a small number of children who are highly allergic to nuts. Recently some children have brought nuts in their packed lunches. We would be very grateful if you could leave out nuts or peanut butter in sandwiches as even proximity to nuts could trigger anaphylactic shock for some of our children.
Food Hygiene Rating
We are delighted to announce that for a seventh year our kitchen and catering facilities have been awarded a 5* Rating following an unannounced inspection by the Food Standards Agency.
Free School Meals
Children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2
All children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 get free school meals.
However, if you or your child receive any of the benefits listed on this page, you should apply for free school meals. This will help the school to get extra funding from central government, which will be used to buy additional resources to benefit its pupils.
Children from Year 3 onwards
You can apply for free school meals from Year 3 and above if you or your child receive any of these benefits:
Income support
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your household annual income is less than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (provided your household annual income is less than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Click on this link to make an application- Apply for free school meals
Swindon Borough Council will process your application within five school days.