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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together



Come along to our next PTA meeting.  All parents and carers welcome! There will be Tea & cake! 

Tuesday 19th September 2023 @ 3.30pm in Pine classroom (Yr1) 


PTA - Friends of Bridlewood

As I’m sure you aware, schools are facing tough times financially, with our school being no exception. We as the PTA of Bridlewood Primary School, are a team of parents who volunteer our time to plan several events throughout the school year in order to raise money for our school.


Recent money raised by the PTA has gone towards iPads, musical equipment, the trim trail, library books and buddy benches. We have also been able to purchase games for young carers, the lunchtime salad cart, tools for Forest schooling and some outdoor play equipment for the children to enjoy at lunchtime.


Our aim for the coming year is to raise money for benches for the school field and  new fun learning resources for Cherry class. 


In previous years we have held events such as: Sponsored runs, Pumpkin Carving Competitions, a bake off, Christmas Raffle, Easter Tombola, school discos, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day gifts, Summer Fetes and much more. 


We are always looking to welcome more members as well as parent helpers who could spare the time to support us in any of our events.

Any help at all is gratefully received. We generally hold one meeting per term which lasts no longer than an hour. You are welcome to bring your children along, they love getting involved and bring their ideas to the table too. 

If you would be interested in joining us, or letting us know your ideas, please contact one of our members or email us on


Committee members include;

Becky Wright, Sooz Starkey



If you're interested in helping the PTA raise much needed funds for the school then please contact the main office, email us or click the link to join our Facebook page
