Pupil Premium
Pupil premium is additional funding provided to schools for supporting more disadvantaged pupils to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as all other children. There are three categories of children who qualify for pupil premium:
- Children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been eligible for FSM in the past 6 years (Ever 6).
- Children Looked After (CLA) in the care of the local authority or have ceased to be looked after because of Adoption or special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order.
- Armed forces children
Our annual Pupil Premium strategy outlines how we have allocated these funds, the rationale for this and intended outcome/benefit of that planned allocation. The funding allocation for 2024-25 is £43,650 and is being used for:
- Quality First Teaching with a focus this year on maths, phonics and oracy and providing high quality CPD for teaching and support staff
- Targeted individual and small group interventions for example, phonics, English, Maths and social & emotional or mental health needs including supporting good attendance
- Financial support for example, to access music tuition, trips, residentials and sports clubs
The progress and attainment of all pupils is tracked and monitored carefully to ensure they achieve their full potential.
You can view our Pupil Premium Strategy to see how we have allocated these funds, the intended outcome/benefit of that planned allocation and how we measured the benefit.