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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together

Uniform Information

School Uniform

We encourage all our children to wear our school colours of green, gold and grey. Green sweaters, cardigans or sweatshirts and gold polo shirts with grey trousers or skirts are ideal for active children to work in at school. Fleeces are only for outdoor wear.


School shoes need to be dark in colour and suitable and safe for active wear around school. Trainers are not suitable (except for PE) and the shoes should be able to be 'polished'. Extremes of fashion footwear in both colour, design and heel height are not appropriate for school.


Nail varnish and jewellery are not appropriate for school except a watch and stud earrings which may be worn. Children should be able to safely remove or cover earrings themselves for PE lessons. 


Unnatural hair colours or ‘extreme’ hair styles (clipped hair should be no shorter than grade 2) are not permitted and hair accessories must be subtle and dark coloured.


PE Kit

Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days. 


PE uniform consists:

  • Plain black shorts / leggings / tracksuit bottoms
  • Plain white T-shirt
  • Trainers / plimsolls


They may also wear a Bridlewood hoodie or their usual green Bridlewood sweater in cold weather. 


Where can I purchase uniform?

School uniform can be purchased from

The Swindon branch is situated in unit 1B Plaza, 21 Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1HE.


School uniform does not have to bear the school logo and can be purchased from other clothing retailers.


If you require second hand school uniform please contact the school office.


The PTA also hold a regular second hand sale of uniform and this will be advertised in our newsletter.
