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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together


Bridlewood opened the Nursery for the first time in September 2019. We take children from the term after they turn three. The Nursery class (Hedgehogs) is taught by a qualified Nursery practitioner, Mrs Hughes and full time Early Years qualified Nursery assistant, Mrs Law. We offer fully funded 30 hour and 15 hour places and offer breakfast and after school club and lunchtime child care where this is needed.

Nursery Admissions

Click the link to take you to the admissions page and policy

Application Documents

If you would like to apply for a nursery place, please complete a Nursery Interest form and fill out the Parental Declaration.

Nursery Charges


You can use your 15 or 30 funded hours to cover the combination of childcare that you require.  This could include breakfast club, morning sessions, lunchtime, afternoon sessions and the after school club.


If your child care hours exceed your funded hours, then charges will apply for the additional hours or childcare services booked.


Breakfast Club - £3.50

Extra Nursery session (3 hours) - £15.00

Lunchtime session (packed lunch must be provided) - £3.00

After School Club - £8.75


8.00am to 8.40am8.40am to 11.40am11.40am-12.20pm12.20pm to 3.20pm3.20pm-5.30pm
Breakfast Club
0.66 hours
Morning session
3 hours
Lunchtime session
0.66 hours
Afternoon session
3 hours
After School Club
2.17 hours







Please note that all sessions are subject to availability.

Hedgehogs Class Page

Click the link to see what Hedgehogs have been up to!
