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School Logo

Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together


At our school we believe in nurturing the whole child through a variety of enrichment activities that spark creativity and curiosity. Our enrichment offer includes art, music, sports and the wider world, designed to enhance pupils' learning experiences beyond the traditional curriculum. These engaging opportunities allow children to explore their interests, develop new skills and build lasting freindships. We are committed to fostering a love of learning and helping every child discover their unique talents in a supportive and fun enviornment!

TPAT Primary Pledge

This pledge is to every child. This is the enrichment journey, that TPAT schools will provide, to ensure opportunities for developing skills and experiences that will help them grow and achieve.

Discovery Days

Each term, across the school, we also take one day to consider the wider curriculum and enrichment opportunities in the following areas:


Term 1: Black History Day

Term 2: International Day

Term 3: Art Day

Term 4: World Book Day & Science Day

Term 5: Environmental Day

Term 6: Careers' Day 

Clubs & other opportunities

We offer a variety of clubs from both external providers and those offered by school staff. These range from sports clubs to production club and singing opportunities. Those learning an instrument either through whole class tuition or individual tuition perform in our music recital twice per year. We compete in a wide range of sports' competitions and we have several pupil leadership groups such as the School council; Eco council; Anti bullying Ambassadors and Reading champions.

Trips and visitors enrich the curriculum at Bridlewood. TPAT also run several trust wide events for primary schools such as the Spelling Bee, high achieving maths competition and author visits.


Please see our clubs page, music page, gallery and other areas of the website for further information.
