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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together

Anti Bullying Ambassadors

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassador team consists of both year 5 and year 6 pupils and Mrs Elborn.


We are going to be working closely together to ensure that children, teachers and parents at our school change their attitudes, behaviour and culture by building skills and confidence to address different types of situations both online and offline. 


What is an Anti-Bulling Ambassador?


An Anti-Bullying Ambassador is someone who has been trained to fulfil their role and support their peers. Their role is to help educate their peers on bullying, lead on anti-bullying campaigns, promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates difference and help keep their peers safe both online and offline. They are present every day, during playtime and lunchtime, in the playground to support their peers; being a friendly face they can talk to and play games with, share a story or just sit with for some quiet time.


Why did we chose to make this commitment?


Unfortunately either we have or we have known of someone who has experienced bulling. Due to this we decided that we want to make a change. We feel it is our responsibility, as the Anti-Bullying Ambassador team, to set a good example for the children in younger year groups. We want to ensure Bridlewood community is a bright and happy place; we hope to ensure that fairness, fun, respect, kindness and honesty are embedded within our community.


Our Pledge


We pledge that we will try our hardest to inform the children of Bridlewood about the different forms of bulling and what bulling actually is. We pledge that we will try our best to be great role models to our peers, support them and to help guide our friends in times of need. 


Our Plan 


We aim to support children with any bullying, self esteem and mental health issues. The ambassadors will be providing support for their peers, on a rota, every day during playtimes and lunchtimes. Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be present on the playground at their Anti-Bullying Ambassador station providing children with books to read, games to play, activities to complete as well as a listening ear and advice if required. The ambassadors will be easy to spot when outside as they are identifiable by their yellow caps. The ambassadors will also be able to recognise if they need to speak to an adult in relation to what their school-mates have shared with them. We hope to ensure that all children feel supported and accepted and will take every step possible to ensure our peers feel included and valued within our school community. 

