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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together


School Applications

Applications for Reception class places starting in September 2025 should be made using Swindon Local Authority’s coordinated admissions process.


Applications should be made using the following link:

Swindon Borough Council Admissions for September 2025


The application period closes on 15th January 2025 and offers will be sent out by Swindon Borough Council on 16th April 2025.


In Year Transfers

Bridlewood Primary School is part of The Park Academies Trust.  The Trust is the Admission Authority for the school. 

To apply for an in year place at our school (an application for a year group made during the school year) please apply via the following link: Swindon Borough Council - In Year Applications



Bridlewood Nursery admission policy is below.  If you have any questions regarding the admissions policy or applying for a nursery place, please email the main school office:



Any child who is refused a place at the Academy has the right to appeal against this decision to an independent panel.  If you wish to appeal against a decision please see the link below which also includes the timetable for appeals to be lodged:

Swindon Borough Council - school admission appeals



If you have a query relating to Admissions, please email:
