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Bridlewood Primary School and Nursery

A place for learning, caring, sharing and growing together


Volunteering at Bridlewood

Being a volunteer at Bridlewood is a hugely rewarding experience as well as making a fantastic contribution to the education and development of our children. As a school we are always grateful for our volunteers and appreciate the time they give up to help out in a number of day to day activities. However, due to safeguarding legislation, we have some formalities that are mandatory by law that we have to comply with. Whilst these may appear somewhat onerous, the process is quite straightforward and the school will assist with some aspects of the requirements.


We are now subject to much tighter safeguarding requirements for all regular volunteers in school and we will require ALL of the following BEFORE any volunteer can begin helping in school:

  • DBS check
  • ID provided
  • Volunteer application form completed
  • 2 References returned.


Volunteers will also be required to read, agree to abide by and sign a number of documents during an induction with the school BEFORE they begin helping in school:

  • Volunteer policy
  • Volunteer code of conduct
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Safeguarding and child protection procedures.


Whether you wish to be part of one of our regular volunteers groups, a regular classroom helper, likely to drive children to sports events, help on school trips, or help at school discos, please contact the office for the relevant paperwork and to book onto one of the safeguarding training courses.


I am sure you understand that these processes and procedures are in place to safeguard our children and thank you for your patience. We rely on all our volunteers to enhance the learning and experiences for the children in school and would not wish to lose our valuable pool of volunteers at Bridlewood Primary School.


Volunteer Code of Conduct
